Monday, September 28, 2009

A little more info...

We got the results of my bloodwork again and things are moving in the right direction. ATP levels are going up, though only barely right now. Something like from 21.2 to 22. She said at first we tend to see minor changes, and then once the body reaches a certain threshold amount it'll skyrocket. But she doesn't think the numbers are good enough to go back to work yet. Impression she's giving though is that it *will* likely get that way (good enough, that is). In the meantime, I'm off for another 6 weeks.

Oh, and something else good... the EBV numbers that were high dropped by 100 points. That's a significant drop and would account for part of why I'm feeling better even if I have next to no stamina. I still only last about 4-6 hours on an average day before needing a 2-3 hour nap. And have me do something physical and the next day is still pretty much shot.

But, at least it's movement in the right direction.

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